Mount Carmel College
News and Events
Health in the Lord and Blessings of the Holy Spirit!
Last school year 2020-2021 was a challenging year for all of us. There are uncertainties on how we could implement and go through with our academic plans and activities in this time of pandemic. Surely it is totally different from what we have during our face to face classes. But nonetheless, learning must continue. We have to explore other possibilities and interventions for learning to take place. As Brian Herbert says “The capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, and the willingness to learn is a choice.”
As we start the school year 2021-2022, I hope and pray my dear Carmelians that you will always choose and have the willingness to learn in spite and despite of the challenges and difficulties that we are facing right now. Because if we are not willing to learn no one can help you. But if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you, especially in reaching your dreams in life.
For all of us, may we have a meaningful school year and may our Lady of Mount Carmel protect, guide and continue to bless all of us!
Inspired by the spirit of Jesus Christ as our Model Teacher, we commit ourselves to:
- the Integrating and strengthening the Gospel values in every curricular and co-curricular activities; the achieving of academic excellence through relevant Catholic education.
- the achieving of academic excellence through relevant Catholic education.
- the practicing of responsible stewardship of God’s creation;
- the fostering of justice and peace and social solidarity with our least brothers and sisters
Moved by the zeal of our great inspirators, Mary, Elijah, Elisha, the Carmelite Saints and its tradition we, envision ourselves as a Christ-centered, academically advanced, socially responsive community, committed in living out the Gospel values towards the realization of God’s reign here and now.
Carmelite Street, Mount Carmel College, Escalante City, Negros Occidental 6124
Registrar : (034) 454-0211
Accounting : (034) 454-0213
Principal’s/Dean’s Office : (034) 454-0171